
Anaesthetic machine folder of emergency information This page has the emergency information stored in folders in Yorkhill childrens’ hospital, Glasgow

Surgery for Children: Delivering a First Class Service 2007 csf

APA consensus guideline on perioperative fluid management in children 2007  perioperative_fluid_management_2007

Commissioning tertiary and specialised services for children March 2004 rcpch_tertiary

General Paediatric Surgery in the DGH  2006 finalgpsindghs210806

Why Children Die: a pilot study 2006 why-children-die-a-pilot-study-2006-children

Building a Health Service Fit for the Future.  The Kerr report, 2005 kerr-report-volume-1-2005 and kerr-report-volume-2-2005

Guidance on the provision of paediatric anaesthetic services RCA 2004 gpas-paeds

Extremes of Age, NCEPOD 1999 extremes-of-age-ncepod

RCA guidance on provision of anaesthetic services 1999 guide-on-anaesthetic-services-1999