SPAN Annual meeting 2013

The SPAN annual meeting was held at the Dunkeld Hilton hotel on Friday 26th April 2013.

The visiting guest speaker was Kathy Wilkinson talking about the organisation of paediatric surgical services. Alastair Baxter was speaking about TIVA in children, Ros Lawson talked about sharing good practice with the APA peer review process, Chris Hawksworth talked about the national cochlear implant service, and Grant Rodney about guidelines for the management of children refered for dental surgery GA. Oral presentations and audit posters were displayed.

Photos of the meeting:  span-photos

SPAN programme: 2013-span-programme-revised

Kathy Wilkinson, The organisation and future of paediatric surgical services: organisationfuturedunkeld2013

The trainee presentations from the meeting can be viewed here: span-trainee-abstracts-2013 and sag-poster-v2 with

Paediatric Airway Rescue Trolley list: part-with-surgical-cric-equipment-v1 ; Jocelyn Erskine, Paediatric Reservoir Bags, how easily do they burst? paediatric-reservoir-bags-jos1

Anaesthesia for the National Cochlear Implantation Service, Chris Hawksworth: scottish-paediatric-cochlear-implant-service

Neal Willis presented a survey of paediatric Dental Outpatient Patient Anaesthesia (for Grant Rodney): surveydentalopanaesthesia